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PPL 2023:招待講演


小野寺 民也 日本アイ・ビー・エム(株)
Nicholas D. Matsakis Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Next steps for the Rust type system

招待講演 (1): 量子ソフトウェアスタックの現在

小野寺 民也(日本アイ・ビー・エム(株))




1988年東京大学大学院理学系研究科情報科学専門課程博士課程修了。理学博士。同年日本アイ・ビー・エム(株)入社。以来、同社東京基礎研究所にて、基盤ソフトウェア等の研究開発に従事。現在、同研究所副所長、量子コンピューティング担当部長、同社技術理事。情報処理学会第41回(平成2年後期)全国大会学術奨励賞、同平成7年度山下記念研究賞、同平成16年度論文賞、同平成16年度業績賞、各受賞。情報処理学会長期戦略担当理事、同量子ソフトウェア研究会幹事、ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) Distinguished Scientist、日本ソフトウェア科学会フェロー、量子ICTフォーラム量子コンピュータ技術推進委員会副委員長。

招待講演 (2):Next steps for the Rust type system (オンライン講演)

Nicholas D. Matsakis (Amazon Web Services, Inc.)


Rust reached 1.0 in 2015 and in that time has gone from a brave experiment to a production language in use at most every major company. Rust marks the first substructural type system to achieve widespread adoption in industry. This talk covers some of our experiences in developing and using Rust as well as some ideas about where we are going over the next few years.


Nicholas Matsakis is a Senior Principal Engineer at AWS and co-lead of the open source Rust language design team. He has worked on Rust since 2011, and led the design of its “secret sauce”, the borrow checker. He has played a number of other roles in Rust over the years, such as being a member of the Rust core team, the lead of the Rust compiler team, and helping to launch the Rust Foundation. Prior to working on Rust, he completed a PhD at ETH Zurich and did his undergraduate study at MIT.