伊藤 健洋 | 東北大学 |
組合せ遷移への招待 | |
Jeehoon Kang | KAIST |
Hardware Design is Parallel Programming |
伊藤 健洋(東北大学)
2006年3月東北大学にて博士 (情報科学) を取得.同年より東北大学大学院情報科学研究科の助手,助教,准教授を経て,2020年5月より教授,現在に至る.アルゴリズム理論,特にグラフアルゴリズムの研究に取り組む.2018年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞受賞.学術変革領域研究(B)「組合せ遷移」では,領域代表を務めた.
Jeehoon Kang(KAIST)
Hardware design has long been considered distinct from software programming. In this talk, I will share my experiences challenging this tradition over the past five years, demonstrating how treating hardware design as a form of parallel programming facilitates the design of efficient hardware RTL. We initially showed that designs with structural hazards could be represented by functional programming combinators, such as map and reduce, enabling efficient design similar to that of distributed systems (ASPLOS 2023). We then extended this approach to support designs with data and control hazards (PLDI 2024). We recently generalized this approach to imperative programs, moving beyond the combinator style (submitted). In doing so, we could easily design an efficient 5-stage RISC-V CPU and a 100Gbps network interface card.
Jeehoon Kang is a tenure-track Associate Professor at the School of Computing, KAIST. Before joining KAIST in February 2019, he served as Chief R&D Officer at FuriosaAI, developing compilers for AI accelerators. He received his Ph.D. (2019) and B.S. (2013) in Computer Science from Seoul National University. His research focuses on designing and verifying concurrent and parallel systems, specializing in concurrent data structures, persistent memory, and hardware description languages. Professor Kang is a recipient of several awards, including the SPAA 2024, POPL 2022, and PLDI 2017 distinguished paper awards. He served on the POPL organizing committee from 2020 to 2023 and the PLDI organizing committee in 2025. Over the past decade, he has published 21 papers in top-tier conferences, including POPL, PLDI, OOPSLA, and ASPLOS.